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April 9, 2023
by Deena Rae

Along Came A Spider

My Introduction to “ Detective Doctor” Alex Cross...

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Along Came A Spider

written by Deena Rae
4 · 09 · 23

Book Review
Along Came A Spider

ALONG CAME A SPIDER by James Patterson Crime Thriller Filled with Twists and Turns

Psychological Thrillers / Mystery & Detective / Police Procedural / Thrillers / Crime / Thrillers / Psychological, Fiction / Action & Adventure


Age: 16+
Heat: Sexual situations, Language,


Mar 27 – 29, 2023

My Rating

Let me start by prefacing this review by saying, I am new to the Alex Cross universe. I’ve never read any of the books and it’s been decades since I watched the movies so I came into this series with completely fresh eyes. I should say however that I read Mr. Patterson’s Midnight Club a few months ago (see review here) but while I enjoyed the book I couldn’t get past some issues with the plot so gave it a 3.5-stars.

I am so glad I went all the way back to a book published in 1993 to start a series. With more than 20 books, “Doctor Detective” Cross should keep me busy for a while

This book was an amazing start to a series. The characters were well developed, the chills were engrossing and the plot twists added terror.

With this book, we found out early who the villain was but with every chapter the suspense built until we realized that sometimes there are multiple bad guys, sometimes working in tandem and sometimes working independently.

Mr Patterson wove a wonderfully intricate plot complete with homicidal maniacs, outspoken grandmas and a tragically hurt main character. With a diverse cast of characters, this is an example of one of how authors can incorporate our nations diversity to world building in modern literature.


I recommend to everyone. All of us should  read at least one book from this era’s most proficient and prolific writers.

Review also on

I received via the OverDrive/Libby app from the Harris County Library system. It was read as a Kindle Book.

Deena Rae

Deena Rae

Deena Rae was born and raised in Texas - home of bluebonnets, boots, beef and big hair - into a family that was in the printing and publishing industries. Her father was a computer programmer for major newspapers when the equipment took up whole rooms and mother has been a publisher for almost 40 years - trying, unsuccessfully, to bring her into the family business. ​Finally relenting in 2011, she officially joined The Book Connection - her mother's publishing and packaging company - as the Digital Director, to create the epublishing division. Her computer skills, willingness to help authors, love of literature, no-nonsense attitude and quick wit has helped shepherd many authors through the maze of digital and indie publishing. Quickly deciding she wanted to offer her services to more authors than just the ones her mother represented, she branched out on her own, opening E-BookBuilders January of 2012. The rest is history.


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