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Deck the Bookshelves

December 1, 2022

Deck the Bookshelves is coming soon

Deck the Bookshelves








Holiday Reading Wonderland!!
Give the Gift of Books!

One of the best gifts anyone—young or old—can receive is a book. This Holiday book event features over 20 authors and their titles across all genres from children’s picture books to the latest in nonfiction. Authors will be available to sign the purchased books to give a personal touch at this one-of-a-kind Holiday gift market

See Authors

During the live event, authors will be available in their Booth located within the Expo Zone to interact with readers and fans. You could see your favorite authors speaking about their books, their lives, or maybe just reading a teasing excerpt from their latest book. Everyone is sure to find something interesting and entertaining to do at Deck the Bookshelves.

During the live interactions, feel free to ask questions of the authors or purchase a book and get it get signed. In addition, you can chat with the authors during their posted Booth and networking times. At the Author Booths you have access to the authors’ handouts for free and they might have giveaways of their own!

Win Prizes

Join in the Book Bingo, and search each Author’s Booth in the Expo Area to complete the Ornament Find.

With exciting games and contests throughout this 3-day book paradise, you can win prizes including gift cards.


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