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December 10, 2022
by Deena Rae

Just Tyrus

Not political, just an engaging story....

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Just Tyrus

written by Deena Rae
12 · 10 · 22

Book Review
Just Tyrus

JUST TYRUS: A MEMIOR by Tyrus Is Engaging but Not Political


April 26, 2022

Age: 12+
Heat: Language


My Rating

I was first introduced to Tyrus on Red Ey and now watch him on Gutfeld!, one of the 2 shows I try to watch every weekday, not for the politics, for the humor of the situation the county is in.

Tyrus shows intelligence and common sense in his analysis of what is happening. His book is like that. He gives his background, while respecting the privacy of people in his life, which is hard. He experienced some racism but does not make that the focus of his story. Rather than making his memoir a pity-party, he tells how his adversity made him better, made him want to achieve more. This was an engrossing read, I couldn’t put it down. The good, bad, sad and ugly – be doesn’t sugar coat his actions, doesn’t make excuses, be owns his actions. He gives respect and credit where due which is refreshing. If anything, his story made me like and respect him even more.

A great read and worth the time and price.

“Social media makes it hard today for many people on the planet. It can cause pressure, anxiety, and trauma, especially when people come after you for whatever reason. Keyboard warriors hide behind anonymous names and do nothing but sit and troll all day. It can be frustrating, but you can’t let that wear you down. Never give in to a bully. Empower yourself. Believe in yourself. Be accountable. Life is too short to worry about with the other person is doing. Own your shit. Use your voice. And be kind to others. That’s all I got. And I really do sincerely thank you for reading my words.”


I absolutely recommend this book even if you have never heard of Tyrus before or if you think it will be a book filled with politics. It is NOT political.

Review also on

I borrowed this book via the OverDrive/Libby app from the Harris County Library system. It was read as a Kindle Book.

Deena Rae

Deena Rae

Deena Rae was born and raised in Texas - home of bluebonnets, boots, beef and big hair - into a family that was in the printing and publishing industries. Her father was a computer programmer for major newspapers when the equipment took up whole rooms and mother has been a publisher for almost 40 years - trying, unsuccessfully, to bring her into the family business. ​Finally relenting in 2011, she officially joined The Book Connection - her mother's publishing and packaging company - as the Digital Director, to create the epublishing division. Her computer skills, willingness to help authors, love of literature, no-nonsense attitude and quick wit has helped shepherd many authors through the maze of digital and indie publishing. Quickly deciding she wanted to offer her services to more authors than just the ones her mother represented, she branched out on her own, opening E-BookBuilders January of 2012. The rest is history.

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